Writing Problem In Children
Like all learning problems, too much difficulties in writing can be devastating to a child’s education. As children progress through school, they are expected to express what they know about many different subjects through writing. If a child fails to develop certain entry-level skills, he will be unable to write with the speed and fast fluency required to excel as these demands increase.
Indeed, for a child struggling with a writing problem, the writing process itself interferes with learning stage. Students faced with such difficult odds have trouble staying motivated children’s.
Writing problems rarely occur in children, and improvements in writing go hand in hand with the development of other skills. Thus, a problem with the development in one of these areas is likely to interfere with a child’s progress in a writing.

Memory Problem
- poor vocabulary
- many misspelled words
- frequent capitalization, punctuation, and grammar errors
Language Problem
- poor vocabulary colloquial language
- difficulty with sentence structure and word order
- trouble reading back what is written
- difficulty with word sounds, spelling, and meanings