Student possess extremely high clerical abilities, whereas closure ability, numerical and verbal abilities are observed in average ranges.
It involves the perceptual speed and accuracy in which examinee rapidly assesses the sameness and differences in the stimulus provided. High score on this ability can be indicative of possible success in tasks involving record keeping, documentation, inventories, dispatching, coding and operations management.
It refers to the ability to see quickly a whole stimulus when parts of it are missing. Student who is high in this ability can pursue carrier successfully in occupations involving speedy visual perception e.g. architecture, computer programming, data processing , coding, art and designing
Linguistic intellects can turn out to be notable writers and creators. Student can perform better on professions wherein verbal & language skills are more prominently used like teaching, legal assistant, language translator , Journalism, writer , content creator, editorial etc
This refers to the ability to deal with mental manipulation of objects in 3 dimensional space. Individuals scoring high on this ability can be successful in geometrical drawing, drafting, vocational training, arts and designing. A good predictor of occupations involving figural materials, such as shopwork, architecture, building construction, engineering, commercial art, fashion designing etc.